Holden Caulfield is a teenage boy who has just flunked out of another exclusive boarding school. His parents will be raging when they receive the letter from the headmaster and because Holden wants to avoid their anger he checks into a cheap hotel and waits there for a few days. It doesn't matter who he meets everybody seems to be annoying and at fault. Holden believes the school is full of “phonies”, and the rest are stupid and superficial people. His journey to adulthood seems to be miserable and he gets more and more depressed. He tries to fight this inner turmoil but he keeps failing at it. His suffering seems to stem from the death of his younger brother Allie which he still hasn't come to terms with.
Even though the main character pretends to be Mr. Know-It-All you actually can’t dislike him. He seems to be confused and lost by everything and everybody and this confusion is accompanied by anger that is so typical for his age. He doesn't know where he fits in society and his struggles are something that everybody has to go through.
Everybody will find something he can relate to, especially if one feels misunderstood.